Dancing on Ice Betting Tips, Odds & Predictions

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5 August, 2024

It cannot be denied that this is a year that has already been rocked with controversy. Arguments off the rink have taken the sparkle off of the ice… what with the GC taking on acid-tongued judge, Jason Gardiner, in a hoo-ha about selling stories; then there’s Love Island ‘glamour’ girl Meghan embarrassing her beau Wes via the medium of Twitter – arguing with his dancing partner Vanessa (leading to some very awkward hugs after a performance). Who would have thought that the Ballroom bozo, James Jordan, would be fading into the background… despite his sizzling performances? However, we’re going to look at the on-ice action now and offer up our top Dancing on Ice betting tips, odds and predictions.

Dancing on (Thin) Ice… Who Will Take the Crown?

So, in terms of talent, this year is as varied as any other. There are the celebrities who have started off strong – with some impressive scores and routines; then there are the ones who just about stay upright… yet seem to stay to the detriment of the mid-tablers.

When it comes to standout contestants, there’s the obvious James Jordan. He has the obvious advantage of being a dancer, so it’s just the skating skills he needed to learn. However, Love Island’s Wes is one to watch, who doesn’t have the training, but has a natural talent, youth and enthusiasm. Melody from The Pussycat Dolls, also familiar with dance, seems to be the best female contestant; however, Jane Danson and Saara Aalto also offer up promise. Down the other end, we have the ever-vibrant (and ever-annoying) Gemma Collins and the lovely Didi Conn (Frenchie from Grease). Let’s take a look at the contestants in a bit more depth.

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